Miguel Mihura

Miguel Mihura Santos (21 July 1905, Madrid – 27 October 1977) was a Spanish playwright. He is best known for his comedy Tres sombreros de copa (1932), a work of absurd humor that predates similar works by Beckett or Ionesco and that broke with many of the previous conventions of Spanish comic theatre.

Miguel Mihura was born in Madrid in 1905. His father was an actor and theatrical producer. When he was in his twenties, he wrote his best known comedy, Tres sombreros de copa, but its humour was not appreciated by the conservative pre-war Spanish society. Tres sombreros de copa was not staged until 1952, achieving a great success.

Mihura also wrote several screenplays in Spanish films during the Francoism. Most of them were cut by the censors and some do not exist. One of his greatest contributions was in Welcome Mr. Marshall! (1953).

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